Fatty Liver Disease Symptoms More Condition_symptoms What Are The Reasons Of A Slightly Fatty Liver And What Are The Symptoms?

What are the reasons of a slightly fatty liver and what are the symptoms? - fatty liver disease symptoms more condition_symptoms

can be fatal healed, is a natural phenomenon or disease, drugs, alcohol, poisons or together?


redunico... said...

This is not fatal.

Some people develop fatty liver May. Most people who abuse alcohol and fatty liver are obese. Fatty liver is called fatty liver and fatty liver with liver inflammation or steatohepatitis. Fatty liver and steatohepatitis can be caused by alcohol and other drugs and may occasionally occur in patients with diabetes mellitus. NASH notcaused by alcohol is also known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH. "The factors that determine who develop fatty liver are not known. Develop some non-obese and obese patients with moderate the possibility of fatty liver while some who are extremely obese.
Patients with NASH or fatty liver usually does not have a doctor with unexplained elevations of serum transaminase activities. Serum alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl activities may also be high. The patient is usually 10% or more above the ideal weight.

The diagnosis is usually by excluding other causes of hepatitis are suspected. CarefulHistory of drugs and alcohol will be taken, and serological tests for HBsAg and antibody to hepatitis C carried out. Metabolic disorders requires a careful family history and appropriate tests will be excluded if they are suspicious. Serum protein electrophoresis and antibody tests are performed if the suspicion of autoimmune hepatitis. Sometimes patients have fatty liver or steatohepatitis, with high levels of triglycerides, but it is not always the case.

redunico... said...

This is not fatal.

Some people develop fatty liver May. Most people who abuse alcohol and fatty liver are obese. Fatty liver is called fatty liver and fatty liver with liver inflammation or steatohepatitis. Fatty liver and steatohepatitis can be caused by alcohol and other drugs and may occasionally occur in patients with diabetes mellitus. NASH notcaused by alcohol is also known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH. "The factors that determine who develop fatty liver are not known. Develop some non-obese and obese patients with moderate the possibility of fatty liver while some who are extremely obese.
Patients with NASH or fatty liver usually does not have a doctor with unexplained elevations of serum transaminase activities. Serum alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl activities may also be high. The patient is usually 10% or more above the ideal weight.

The diagnosis is usually by excluding other causes of hepatitis are suspected. CarefulHistory of drugs and alcohol will be taken, and serological tests for HBsAg and antibody to hepatitis C carried out. Metabolic disorders requires a careful family history and appropriate tests will be excluded if they are suspicious. Serum protein electrophoresis and antibody tests are performed if the suspicion of autoimmune hepatitis. Sometimes patients have fatty liver or steatohepatitis, with high levels of triglycerides, but it is not always the case.

redunico... said...

This is not fatal.

Some people develop fatty liver May. Most people who abuse alcohol and fatty liver are obese. Fatty liver is called fatty liver and fatty liver with liver inflammation or steatohepatitis. Fatty liver and steatohepatitis can be caused by alcohol and other drugs and may occasionally occur in patients with diabetes mellitus. NASH notcaused by alcohol is also known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH. "The factors that determine who develop fatty liver are not known. Develop some non-obese and obese patients with moderate the possibility of fatty liver while some who are extremely obese.
Patients with NASH or fatty liver usually does not have a doctor with unexplained elevations of serum transaminase activities. Serum alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl activities may also be high. The patient is usually 10% or more above the ideal weight.

The diagnosis is usually by excluding other causes of hepatitis are suspected. CarefulHistory of drugs and alcohol will be taken, and serological tests for HBsAg and antibody to hepatitis C carried out. Metabolic disorders requires a careful family history and appropriate tests will be excluded if they are suspicious. Serum protein electrophoresis and antibody tests are performed if the suspicion of autoimmune hepatitis. Sometimes patients have fatty liver or steatohepatitis, with high levels of triglycerides, but it is not always the case.

Anonymous said...

usually due to alcohol

gutterba... said...

I drink liver complications for several years ..... The symptoms for me tenerness summers and mild pain on the right side where the liver and severe pain when the doctor sees .......... Even after drinking not for one year or longer, is still very tender, but not as bad as it is .............

blues said...

No, a moderate hepatic steatosis is common in people with high cholesterol / fat intake. This is not fatal. It literally means that the foie gras. It is common in middle age.
Symptoms: No physical, you can by liver enzymes (ALT and AST) in blood tests, view test of choice is usually ultrasound of the liver or stomach
Cure: changes in diet, exercise and lose weight.

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