Motorhome Furniture I Need A Way To Eliminate Odors From A Motorhome I Just Purchaised.?

I need a way to eliminate odors from a motorhome I just purchaised.? - motorhome furniture

The smell is a mixture of cat and smells of people, and possibly drug production / use. I shampoo twice, carpets and furniture once. The smell is still in the air. All proposals would be very apprietiated.


Anonymous said...

Open all windows and let all the air-air out.Take curtains or washing, if can.It a day or two, but creates a major difference.Then feel a little vinegar exist in a small container to absorb all the smells.

Anonymous said...

Test the technology and how it works for you, all kinds of pet odors, people, smoke, etc. check to eliminate

Anonymous said...

Open all windows and let all the air-air out.Take curtains or washing, if can.It a day or two, but creates a major difference.Then feel a little vinegar exist in a small container to absorb all the smells.

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