Sore On Babys Penis Why Does His Penis Hurt?

Why does his penis hurt? - sore on babys penis

I am 5 months pregnant and I think that may have mild thrush, I have a little pain in the vagina and white. My father and I have recently started their baby's sex and great night, but after oral sex, the pain in the penis? and again this morning after having sex under the foreskin was red. was not to be sexually active before we met, and I was recently STD checks. anyway, what happens? I have thrush? A thrush? or is it just a sex incvrese suddenly the two may have caused some irritation? Or is it because I'm pregnant?
Oh, and what I should do, please!


still intact said...

It seems that both have thrush. Make sure that the treatment of both. Cought before I handle my wife and easier to be safe only in the pharmacy that she is pregnant, inform

tropnhof... said...

I googled "thrush on the penis, and there are very few articles about it. Apparently you can give your partner cold sores on the penis.
The obvious thing to do is to consult a doctor. Moreover, it seems over-the-counter medications. You can simply contact your local pharmacy and speak with the pharmacist to go and everything you need there. After items, not a serious condition.

john h said...

As you are pregnant, you and your partner should go to your doctor, tell him what the problem and it can be treated as such, should be much smarter than just a passing of each new fourth. The other reason you should consult your doctor can do something that does not harm the baby before you write

Lol said...

Thrush is very, very common during pregnancy. You can do everything, in the fight against the throttle after 12 weeks Med what you have probably given to her husband. You should have checked out, but can be used by people to treat diflucon. Do not worry, it is very common during pregnancy.

Jill said...

Ask a doc ... both

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