Still Making Element Tech Decks Air Intake Modification On Chevrolet V-8?

Air intake modification on chevrolet v-8? - still making element tech decks

The car is a 305 1986 Chevrolet Caprice and instant messaging on a modification of the air intake to help you breathe more easily.

I learned more air provides better performance and gives you better mileage beacause air is denser and colder, lowers the engine temperature reduces the emissions ect ..

Open In view of the filter element, KN (if what they say is true), perhaps allowing P is a low-or a technology or economic change more air and better performance, you can suggest, for me. Which is better?

Some say that the reversal of the air filter can help many others DONT.

I know it's a Corvette or a 350, but unfortunately tips or tricks would be appreciated .....



grey square said...

K & N are good, ran for years .. Flip up the lid support, but would produce a hill.

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